journal articles
Echeverria, M., Stuart, D., & Blanke, T. (2015). Medical theses and derivative articles: dissemination of contents and publication patterns. Scientometrics, 102(1), 559-586.
Stuart, D., Thelwall, M., & Harries, G. (2007). UK academic web links and collaboration - an exploratory study. Journal of Information Science, 33(2), 231-246. [Abstract].
Oppenheim, C., & Stuart, D. (2004). Is there a correlation between investment in an academic library and a higher education institution's ratings in the Research Assessment Exercise? Aslib Proceedings, 56(3), 156-165. [Abstract].
Column/Guest EDitorials
Stuart, D. (2015 - forthcoming) Finding ‘Good Enough’ Metrics for the UK’s Research Excellence Framework. Online Information Review, 39(2).
Stuart, D. (2014) Openness in scholarly research: LIS should be leading by example. Online Information Review, 38(6).
PHD Thesis
Stuart, D. (2015 - forthcoming). Ontologies for Information Professionals. London: Facet Publishing.
Stuart, D. (2014). Web Metrics for Library and Information Professionals. London: Facet Publishing.
Basset, H., Stuart, D., & Silber, D. (2012). From Web 2.0 to Semantic Search and Social Media: Experiences of the pharmaceutical industry. Cambridge: Chandos Publishing.
Stuart, D. (2011). Facilitating Access to the Web of Data: A guide for librarians. London: Facet Publishing. [Amazon] [Chapter 1].
Book Chapters
Stuart, D. (2015). The Web impact of cultural heritage institutions. In B. Showers (ed.), Library Analytics and Metrics: Using data to drive decisions and services. London: Facet.
Stuart, D. (2012). FOAF Within UK Academic Web Space: A Webometric Analysis of the Semantic Web. In G. Widen, & K. Holmberg (eds.), Social Information Research (pp.173 -191). Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Thelwall, M. & Stuart, D. (2009). Social Network Sites: An Exploration of Features and Diversity. In P. Zaphiris, & C.S. Ang (eds.), Social Computing and Virtual Communities (pp.265-284). Madrid: CINDOC. [Amazon].
WISER (2005). Web Indicators for Scientific, Technological and Innovation Research. European Union.
Conference papers
Echeverria, M., Stuart, D., & Blanke, T. (2015 - forthcoming). Potential predictability of references in the identification of derivative articles from doctoral theses. 10th International CALIBER 2015.
Stuart, D., Aitken, B., Abbott, D., Chassanoff, A., Hedges, M., & McHugh, A. (2011). Content Models for Enhancement and Sustainability: Creating a generic framework for digital resources in the arts and humanities. In E. Garcia-Barriocanal et al. (eds.): Metadata and Semantic Research 2011, CCIS 240. pp. 234-244.
Stuart, D., & Thelwall, M. (2007). University-industry-government relationships manifested through MSN reciprocal links. In D. Torres-Salinas, & H. F. Moed (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics: Vol. 2. (pp.731-735). Madrid: CINDOC.
Stuart, D., & Thelwall, M. (2005). What can university-to-government web links reveal about university-government collaborations? In P. Ingwersen, & B. Larsen (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics: Vol. 1. (pp.188-192). Stockholm: Karolinska University Press.
Book reviews
Stuart, D. (2014). Bibliographic Information Organization in the Semantic Web. Online Information Review, 38(6), 832-833.
Stuart, D. (2014). SPAM: A Shadow History of the Internet. Online Information Review, 38(4), 594-595.
Stuart, D. (2014). 10 PRINT CHR$ (205.5+RND(1));: GOTO 10. Online Information Review, 38(1), 154-155.
Stuart, D. (2013). Google and the Culture of Search - Book Review. Online Information Review, 37(4), 661.
Stuart, D. (2013). Social Media: Usage and Impact - Book Review. Online Information Review, 37(3), 486-487.
Stuart, D. (2013). Mob Rule Learning: Camps, Unconferences and Trashing the Talking Head - Book Review. Online Information Review, 36(6), 933-934.
Stuart, D. (MISSING IN ACTION). Web 2.0 Tools and Strategies for Archives and Local History Collections - Book Review. Library Hi Tech News.
Stuart, D. (2011). Envisioning Future Academic Library Services: Initiatives, Ideas and Challenges - Book Review. Collection Building, 30(3), 140.
Stuart, D. (2010). Blogging and Other Social Media - Book Review. Online Information Review, 34(2), 351-352.
Stuart, D. (2010). Virtual Worlds, Real Libraries: Librarians and Educators in Second Life and Other Multi-user Virtual Environments - Book Review. Library Hi Tech, 28(1), 174-175.
Stuart, D. (2009). Bibliometrics and Citation Analysis: from the Science Citation Index to cybermetrics - Book Review. Italics.
Stuart, D. (2009). Knowledge Networks: The social software perspective - Book Review. Online Information Review, 33(6), 1204-1205.
Stuart, D. (2009). Routledge Handbook of Internet Politics - Book Review. Online Information Review, 33(4), 840-841.
Stuart, D. (2009). The Blogging Revolution - Book Review. Online Information Review, 33(2), 396.
Stuart, D. (2008). The Revolution Will Not be Downloaded: Dissent in the Digital Age - Book Review. Library Hi Tech, 26(3), 488-489.
Stuart, D. (2008). Digital Media and Democracy: Tactics in Hard Times - Book Review. Online Information Review, 32(5), 689-690.